Express delivery
When time is of the essence, we offer extensive experience in express transport throughout Europe.
International transport
During each transport, we make sure that your goods are delivered exactly according to your requirements.
We offer storage of your shipment in our warehouses with excellent availability, with the possibility of long-term rental.
We are a well-established international transport company, offering logistics services throughout Europe, with our specialist areas being Spain and Portugal. Our services are being used by a wide network of customers in many fields. Here at ADB cargo, we are constantly improving and adapting to all the challenges faced by the ever-changing transport industry, in order to bring you the best experience possible.
As logistics experts, we have years of experience in the development of personalized transport solutions, each of which is adapted to your specific requirements and challenges.
We are a well-established international transport company, offering logistics services throughout Europe, with our specialist areas being Spain and Portugal. Our services are being used by a wide network of customers in many fields. Here at ADB cargo, we are constantly improving and adapting to all the challenges faced by the ever-changing transport industry, in order to bring you the best experience possible.
As logistics experts, we have years of experience in the development of personalized transport solutions, each of which is adapted to your specific requirements and challenges.
Mezinárodní autodoprava
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Expresní přeprava
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Sběrná služba FLEX
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Skladové prostory
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Mezinárodní autodoprava
Naše společnost stále investuje do rozvoje našich služeb a snažíme se zákazníkům nabízet co nejkvalitnější služby po celou dobu přepravy.
Všechna naše vozidla jsou během přepravy monitorována našim týmem ADB POSITION (24h).
Expresní přeprava
Musíte včas doručit mezinárodní přepravu v automobilovém průmyslu? Potřebujete naléhavě náhradní díly pro porouchané vozidlo nebo výrobní stroj? Potřebujete rychle a bezpečně přepravovat nezbytné léky nebo životně důležité zboží? Nebo máte cennou zásilku, která musí být přepravena na místo určení v co nejlepším čase?
Naši operátoři najdou nejrychlejší a nejefektivnější řešení během několika minut a postarají se o všechny organizační záležitosti. Naši profesionální řidiči jsou okamžitě připraveni věnovat se Vaší zásilce.
Sběrná služba FLEX
Na základě specifikace Vašeho zboží, časového omezení a destinace, připravuje tým ADB operations individuální nabídku na silniční přepravu, a to v čase do 30 minut.
V případě dohody silniční dopravy Vám dispečink ADB v domluveném čase zajistí vyzvednutí zásilky. Dodací lhůta je individuálně přizpůsobena tak, aby vyhovovala vašim potřebám. Vždy bude zajištěno profesionální zabezpečení nákladu s pravidelnými aktualizacemi stavu Vašeho zboží.
Skladové prostory
Na základě specifikace Vašeho zboží, časového omezení a destinace, připravuje tým ADB operations individuální nabídku na silniční přepravu, a to v čase do 30 minut.
V případě dohody silniční dopravy Vám dispečink ADB v domluveném čase zajistí vyzvednutí zásilky. Dodací lhůta je individuálně přizpůsobena tak, aby vyhovovala vašim potřebám. Vždy bude zajištěno profesionální zabezpečení nákladu s pravidelnými aktualizacemi stavu Vašeho zboží.
We will be happy to transport your goods, ranging from small piece shipments from 1 kg to full truckload shipments up to 25 tons, throughout the whole EU. Our specialization is the region of Spain and Portugal, where we can offer unrivaled speed of transport. Our company is constantly investing in the development of our services and we strive to offer our customers the highest quality services and experience throughout the transport.
All our vehicles are being constantly monitored in real time by our ADB POSITION team (24h).
Are you short on time? Do you have to deliver a shipment in the automotive industry on time? Do you urgently need spare parts for a broken down vehicle or production machine? Do you need to transport medicines or vital goods quickly and safely? Or do you have a valuable shipment that must be transported to its destination in the best possible time?
Our operators will find the fastest and most efficient solution in a matter of minutes and will take care of all organizational matters. Our professional drivers will immediately be ready to handle your shipment.
Based on the specification of your goods, the time limit and destination, the ADB operations team will prepare you an individual offer for road transport, within 30 minutes from inquiry. If we agree on a road transport deal, our ADB dispatching center will arrange for the shipment to be picked up at the agreed time. Delivery time is individually adjusted to suit your needs.
Professional cargo security will always be provided, with regular updates on the condition of your goods.
To store your shipments, we have our own warehouse, as well as a network of partner warehouses throughout the Czech Republic, and a network of contract warehouses in Spain. The warehouses are easily accessible, thanks to which they allow comfortable loading and unloading of goods.
The storage facilities can be used by customers who need to store goods for a few days, as well as clients who need to store goods for a longer period of time. The warehouse can also be used to store things during moving, until you find adequate space. In our warehouses, it is also possible to transfer goods from one vehicle to antoher.
ADB cargo & express Central warehouse
Dolní Beřkovice
✆ (+420) 735 124 289
✆ (+34) 936 30 77 99
Letíte na dovolenou? Rádi Vás na letiště odvezeme a pak opět vyzvedneme, a to v jakoukoliv denní i noční hodinu.
- Přistavení vozu ZDARMA
- Bezkonkurenční sezónní ceny
- Dostupné pro každého
- Platba v hotovosti nebo fakturou
- Předem domluená cena
Going on a vacation? We will be happy to drive you to the airport, and also pick you up from the airport again, at any time of the day or night.
- Driver’s route to your location FOR FREE
- Unbeatable seasonal prices
- Available for anyone
- Payment in cash or by invoice
- Pre-agreed price
Over 10 years of experience
Reliability and flexibility
Both International and domestic
Specialization in Spain and Portugal
For more contact information please see our Contacts page:
For more contact information please see our Contacts page:
Are you interested in our services? Send us a non-binding inquiry using the form below and our team will send you a price estimate within 30 minutes.